Australian woman released from Kuwait jail speaks

Jun 25, 2009

An Australian woman who was jailed in Kuwait couple of months back after insulting the Amir of Kuwait during a scuffle at the Kuwait airport with officials, has spoken to the media about her experience. The interview below was given to ABC TV in Australia.

Sydney woman Nasrah Al Shammery has returned to her family after receiving a suspended sentence on appeal for allegedly insulting the rulling Emir of Kuwait.

She is home and none too happy about the past six months spent in a Kuwaiti prison.

In her first interview, the 44-year-old maintains her innocence and revelas the pain she has been through since a fateful airport altercation las December.

"It is easy to say now, but those six months were the hardest I have experienced in my life"she said.

These months were also hard for her two sons Abdul Aziz and Abul Rahman Al Shammery, who were in the Gulf State waiting for months on bail, but were never charged.

"Even time I see my mum, she's just getting worse and worse", Abdul Rahman Al Shammery said.

"They didn't give her food, the ladies pick on her. She went to the wheelchair becuase of her back."

"I thought I'd get better things from Australia....our homeland is Australia. I know I can't get over it, the way they treated us."

I believe she is very lucky to be released after insulting a State official of the highest order, the Amir. If she was in some other country she would have faced the guillotine. how hard is it to follow the law of the land when you are travelling? Its all a matter of showing respect to the law and sentiments to the host country. We all remember what happened to that couple who were caught on the beach in Dubai. Just stick to the law simple as that.

Insulting the Emir
They were arrested with their mother in Kuwait City last December.

A request for information at the airport turned into a clash with more than 30 security guards and officials.

"The guy was kicking my head was rebouncing," Abdul Rahman Al Shammery said.

"I did what every person of my age can do if they see his dad getting hit by Immigration and other police men," the other son, Abdul Aziz Al Shammery said.

The 44-year-old mother of seven was given a two-year sentence in April after being convicted of assulting the rulling Emir of kuwait.

The alleged assault was not physical, but was treated as an assault because she had apparently insulted the Gulf state's ruler.

Born in Kuwait, but now an Australia citizen, Nasrah Al Shammery says she is well aware that people should not insult Arab leaders.

"It never occurred to me to swear at any one," she said.

"It was screaming 'just give me back my children.' I was really surprised at the filthy language they used against me and such a great country like Kuwait to employ barbaric people of this kind."

"No respect for females. He hit me with his fist....i swear by God it never occurred to me to swear against the Emir."

"The first six hours we were getting hit, not stopping," Abdul Aziz Al Shammery said.

"We were handcuffed,[we were] kicked, punched, slapped; everything."
"And I showed the Australian Ambassador the brtuises I had on my body and I still couldn't get help. "
to read on the headline above.

Source: ABC TV


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